Friday 12 April 2013

Off to Cornwall

Friday 12th April 2013

Today we set off for a break in Cornwall for a change of scenery.  We had a good drive to our cottage which is on a small estuary about 3 miles from Padstow.  The highlight of todays journey was on the busy A35 near Dorchester.  On an embankment on the side of the road very close to the road itself were two red deer, a male and a female happily munching on a patch of lush green grass!  I was stunned, there were trees behind for them to rush into if they needed to but even so, how unusual.  A bit later on the local travel news cut in on the radio and one of the reports was of 5 deer 'on the loose' on the A35 where we had seen them.  

At our holiday home we have cows, calves and sheep on the other side of the estuary, as well as the usual selection of water birds.  A couple of swans floated by on the estuary and one hissed at me, hardly friendly I thought, what did I do to deserve that other than take a photo of them?

Little Petherick Creek (off the Camel Estuary) at high tide.

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