Tuesday 30 April 2013

North Stoneham Park & First Swallows in Hampshire

Tuesday 30th April 2013

This week we have noticed that spring is really getting going - buds are bursting and the bushes and trees have quite a green tint about them.

In the glorious sunshine we had a walk this afternoon at North Stoneham Park in Eastleigh.  http://www.northstoneham.org.uk/park/  We saw plenty on what was a fairly short walk, we saw cows and calves, a buzzard being pestered by a rook, geese flying overhead, ducks and about 50 - 60 starlings flying around the cattle field. 

We also saw our first swallows of 2013 in Hampshire - summer must be coming at last!

No walk is complete without finding a geocache and today's was amongst the bluebells - just beginning to bloom.

Back near the car park is Stoneham War Shrine which was erected in 1918 to commemorate those who served and died in the Great War of 1914 - 1918.  It was restored in 2011 to honour all those who placed their lives in danger through service to their country.  The Shrine is open regularly.  All visitors are welcome.

 Around the park there are many lime trees? with mistletoe growing in them.  

Back at the car, the car park overlooks a playing field where there seemed to be some sort of meeting of dogs and owners, maybe it was dog agility training or something but most of the dogs seemed to be border collies and they all seemed to be having a great bouncing time!

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