Tuesday 9 April 2013

Eyeworth Pond, Fritham

Tuesday 9th April 2013

This afternoon, in the rain, we went to find a new geocache at Fritham in the New Forest.

An indian runner duck.

Eyeworth Pond is usually busy with lots of different ducks but I think they have been a bit overfed of late (as it is still the Easter school holidays) as there was bread floating around untouched and most of the ducks seemed to be the other side of the lake.  We did see a pair of mandarin ducks though and he did look very splendid.

We successfully found the cache we were looking for and close to it was this tree with some brilliant fungi on it.

A bit further on we spotted a nuthatch on the side of a tree.  In the car park at Eyeworth there are loads of small birds, they seem to be regularly fed by visitors -  there were large numbers of blue tits everywhere as well as great tits, robins, coal tits, a collared dove, blackbirds, chaffinches and sparrows.  It's well worth going armed with bird seed or suet balls, you make lots of friends!

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