Sunday 21 April 2013

Stoney Cross - Early Evening

Saturday 20th April 2013

It's back home to the usual routines again now but this evening we walked a couple of miles at Stoney Cross in the New Forest to find a geocache.  On the way to the cache we skirted round the edge of a large herd of fallow deer, there must have been about 20 but as we only had my camera (which doesn't zoom in very far) the pictures are not great.  They got a bit spooked when we were still some distance away so we couldn't get very close.

Deer at a distance!

By around 8pm the forest had that dusky earthy smell, reminiscent of evenings at Guide camps years ago.  There were also rabbits out and about scurrying here and there.  We found the cache we were looking for easily and learnt a bit more about the Stoney Cross airfield during the war from the cache details, it was all very interesting.

Long leggy shadows

Back at the car whilst taking off our walking boots, some friendly New Forest ponies obviously thought that opening the boot of the car meant food or picnics - sadly not the case - and one brazenly stuck his head in for a good look round.

Having a good nose round!

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