Friday 1 February 2013


Friday 1st February 2013 - February Already!

Whilst on a shopping trip to Romsey we had a walk around the memorial park - well when I say round it I mean we walked halfway round it and had to back track as the path was underwater and impassable unless you were fortunate enought to be wearing epic wellies, which I was not.  Even the flower beds contained big pools of water after last nights rain.  The ducks seemed happy enough - but maybe not that happy as we hadn't come bearing bread!

We walked back through the gardens of King John's House

where the snowdrops were beginning to come out  - my absolutely favourite flowers.  Spring is on the way - but I have to say I prefer winter! Please note even the snowdrops are dripping with rain in the photo below.

I have planted snowdrops in our little bit of front garden over the years and I'm sure they should be spreading and increasing in number but this year I have one single flower - one!!!!  Well actually I did notice a couple more on the move but it's hardly a grand display.  Never mind, I'll have to make do with going to see drifts of snowdrops elsewhere.

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