Wednesday 27 February 2013

Busketts Lawn and Ironshill Inclosures

Wednesday 27th February 2013

Today's walk was just over 3 miles around Busketts Lawn and Ironshill Inclosures near Ashurst.  It was good to get out in the fresh air but it wasn't a very inspiring walk - with little or no nature notes to add to this blog.  One thing we did notice was that the birds seem to prefer deciduous woodland to coniferous woodland - it was dead quiet in amongst the fir trees and all of a flutter and chirpy amongst the native trees.  There were lots of deer tracks in the mud so deer must be around but there was no sign of them today. We did however, see plenty of dog walkers a couple of horse riders and a runner so it's obviously a popular area.

Bridge over Bartley Water

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