Sunday 17 February 2013

Keyhaven and Brockenhurst

Sunday 17th February 2013

Today we went to Keyhaven near Lymington so that our daughter could take 'odd' photos for her latest photography project at college - rivers and harbours (not just straight forward scenes, more arty farty shots of walls, rope and other random items).  It was a lovely sunny morning and what with it being a Sunday and the beginning of half term it was as expected very busy, much busier than our previous visit on 10th January.  It may have been blue skies and sunny but it was very cold in the wind - difficult to get out of it on the coast! 


There were lots of wading birds around but it was a bit cold to linger and check them out. Having got the required shots, we had lunch and went to Ladycross near Brockenhurst to stretch our legs.  We didn't see or hear much wildlife but we did come across a Jack Russell who decided to leave his owners and walk the oppposite way towards us.  The owner did a great deal of shouting at him and tried to catch up with him so  I headed him off for her and  she explained that the dog was 16 years old, deaf,  blind and now had dementia but otherwise he was fine!!!!!!!!   Oh right I thought.

I did notice one thing, the oak trees had little buds growing nicely, maybe spring is happening.

New Forest Ponies

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