Tuesday 5 February 2013


Tuesday 5th February 2013

In view of the lack of snowdrops in our garden we went for a walk in the gardens at Mottisfont  - www.nationaltrust.org.uk/mottisfont  - this afternoon to see a decent amount of  them.  It was ffffffffreezing in the wind, but it was well worth it to see drifts and drifts of snowdrops.  We started out in sunshine and blue sky but it didn't take long  before it clouded over.  The gardens have quite a few very very old trees, and this is one of them.  It doesn't look particularly large from this distance but close up the girth of the trunk was absolutely massive. 

The River Test runs through the gardens at Mottisfont and previously we have seen lots of trout near the bridge on the way in but the river was in full flow and there was no sign of fish in the rapids! Despite the swollen river a couple of swans were just about managing to stretch their necks to the bottom of the river bed to get at the weed, and it took me a while to get a photo of them with their heads up. 

You can never have too many pictures of snowdrops I always think, so here are a few - shame I wasn't wearing my glasses to see that some aren't in focus!

In amongst the winter flowering garden, some colourful cyclamen.

And what's this all about, 5th Feb, snowdrops and daffodils?

Finally on the way out through the ticket office the nice lady behind the desk pointed out a flock of long tailed tits on the bird feeders just outside her window.  There were about 8 and apparently they visit regularly about 3 times a day.  We were lucky to have such a great view of these fantatic little birds.  We do see long tailed tits in our garden but only 2 or 3 times a year. A treat to finish off the afternoon.

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