Tuesday 19 February 2013

Anderwood & Bournemouth

Tuesday 19th February 2013

Today we walked just over 6 miles on two walks.  As it was a bright sunny morning we decided to make the most of it and do a bit of  geo-caching at Anderwood in the New ForestWe saw and heard a few birds and a few horses but that was about all until we got back nearly to the car when I spotted a butterfly.  It was frosty this morning and despite the sunshine there was still a thin layer of ice on some puddles so it was a surprise to see this butterfly flit by, it was there and gone in no time but it was definitely a red admiral.  Back at the car we spotted another one, quite happily sunning itself on the brambles.  I looked up red admirals in a wildlife book and apparently the flight period for the ones that have been hibernating over the winter starts in March and April, so these are a bit early!  We walked about 2.5 miles then went on home for lunch.

Anderwood Inclosure

There were quite a few old beech trees.

Should you be out and about in February?

After our daughter had finished her driving lessons today at 4pm (and it was safe to get back out on the roads!!!)  we headed for Bournemouth.  It was getting dark as we arrived and we were hungry so we ate first in a Harvester overlooking the sea - yum.  After our meal we walked - in the dark - along the promenade to Branksome Dene Chine.  There are street lights all along the promenade until Bournemouth meets Poole Council's boundary, then it was complete darkness - quite weird to walk in.  I think we probably saw millions of joggers and cyclists  (maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration) -  cyclists with the brightest biggest headlights I have ever seen - you could see them from miles away and they lit up a great area around them.
We walked back along the prom to Bournemouth Pier, didn't stop and walked back to the car at West Cliff. This evening's walk was just over 3.5 miles, so we had plenty of fresh air and exercise today. We had a good look at the moon and stars as it was a bright clear evening with apparently little light pollution. 

I was hoping to see a fox or two on our way out of Bournemouth as we have seen on previous visits but despite stealthing it we didn't.

Bournemouth at dusk

Bournemouth in the dark!

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