Tuesday 26 February 2013

Hamble Common

Tuesday 26th February 2013

This afternoon we went to Hamble Common on the edge of Southampton Water for a 2.5 mile walk along the Solent Way.  We did a bit of geo-caching and for the first time in a while successfully found 4 caches along the route.  This is an area I don't know and it made a change to walk somewhere completely different, along the beach overlooking Fawley Power Station and Refinery. 

It was quite misty and hazy so there was no chance of seeing the Isle of Wight today.  There were a few birds around, birds of note included;
  • Oyster Catchers
  • Brent Geese
  • Rock Pipit
  • Curlew
  • Black Headed Gulls
  • Herring Gulls
  • Long-Tailed Tits
  • Wren

One other thing worth noting was the amount of shells on the shoreline, masses and masses all along the beach.

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