Friday 22 February 2013

16 Species - A Record?

Friday 22nd February 2013

There has been an icy cold wind blowing around our neck of the woods in the last few days and it has meant that we have had lots of birds in the garden taking advantage of our feeders and bird baths.  I have been at home today looking out on and off at the bird action in the garden.

At the moment we have been averaging about 10 - 12 bird species a day but today was, I think, the best day ever with 16 species.  They were;
  • Blue tits ( a pair)
  • Blackbirds (a pair + a couple of extras)
  • Woodpigeons (9 at one time)
  • Goldfinches (numerous)
  • Siskins (a pair)
  • Jackdaws
  • Starlings
  • Sparrows
  • Greenfinches (lots)
  • Dunnock
  • Blackcaps (a pair)
  • Great tits (a pair)
  • Robins (a pair)
  • Pied Wagtail
  • Thrushes (a pair)
  • Chaffinch - Mr
Please note the good news is that the Thrush has been back again today and brought a friend with him!

The thrush flicking about leaves at the bottom of the garden (photo taken through the window).

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