Friday 25 March 2016

Worth Matravers to Winspit

Good Friday 25th March 2016

The weather was glorious again today and luckily we had just about enough time to fit in a quick walk.  We parked in Worth Matravers, overlooking Woodhenge and although it was fairly early there were already lots of cars in the car park (by lunchtime it was full up with some  parking that needed to be seen to be believed!).  Despite the masses in the car park we managed to avoid everyone (well, almost everyone) and chose a route to Winspit that others didn't!

Not the best photo in the world but you get the idea, for details on Woodhenge, see here

The duck pond in Worth Matravers, a very tranquil place.

Looking towards Anvil Point Lighthouse at Durlston.

At Winspit there were a few climbers doing their thing - rather them than me!

It was lovely sitting in the sunshine..........

.....making the most of Good Friday!

I find this place a little eerie, I'm not sure why though.

I don't think this sort of thing helps!

Flowers are beginning to come out and there was plenty of birdsong in the hedgerows.

It's good to see a bit of colour.

I took this as I liked the bare trees against this very blue sky.

Returning to Worth Matravers we had a look around the church, St Nicholas of Myra.

and then went back to the car, where luckily we were not one of those blocked in!!!

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