Monday 14 March 2016

Corfe Castle to Church Knowle

Monday 14th March 2016

We had another lovely 4 mile walk this afternoon from the National Trust car park at Corfe Castle to Church Knowle and back.  On the walk we successfully found 6 geocaches, saw lots of sheep and a pen of very young lambs that I would guess were maybe only a day or two old (they were absolutely adorable).  It was a bit of a coat on.... coat off.....coat on ....etc sort of afternoon, warm in the sun but with a cool wind. The views were fantastic, proper Thomas Hardy country.

Corfe Castle

A couple who posed beautifully!

Looking back at the village of Corfe Castle.

An old lime kiln.

Thomas Hardy's country.

Swathes of primroses In the churchyard of the church in Church Knowle (far too many churches in this sentence but never mind!!)

Lastly, another favourite of mine, this gorgeous little bird was obviously used to people and was quite happy to sit and be photographed as he sang, as the light began to fade.

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