Wednesday 23 March 2016

North Beach, Swanage

Wednesday 23rd March 2016

Despite a lack of blue sky that we have got used to of late, we had a very pleasant walk along the North Beach at Swanage this afternoon.  The tide was still on it's way out so we were able to walk a fair way along the beach without worrying about being cut off. This end of Swanage Beach has more stones and rocks, so there is plenty to mooch about looking at.  

Near the Ballard Estate.

The beach from Shep's Hollow.

Getting arty!

The sun tried to put in an appearance.

Colourful sea anemones.

And another one!

Trying to be arty again!

You just have to add another stone to the pile.

Walking back along the beach we took time to watch what is happening below the Pines Hotel.  Stabilisation work has been under way here for months and looks as if it will go on for some time to come.  A new path and steps is being built from the Pines Hotel down to the beach.

It certainly doesn't appear to be straight forward, taking rubble away is dependant on the tides and seems to be done at low tide.

Found on the beach.

A nice way to while away a couple of hours.

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