Sunday 13 March 2016

A Circular Spring Walk from Swanage to Durlston and Back

Sunday 13th March 2016

It felt like spring was really here this afternoon.  We set out on our four mile walk in coats but I soon had it tied round my waist it was that warm.  The views were amazing as we walked through two caravan parks to the Townsend Nature Reserve and on to Durlston Country Park.

A bit of spring colour from periwinkle flowers.

Old farm machinery in the Durlston Country Park.

Over stiles and on to the sea.

There weren't many boats about today but we did see this fishing boat close into the cliff.

Anvil Point Lighthouse and a few locals.  We walked along the coast a little way before heading back inland where,

there were many cheerful primroses alongside the footpath and on the banks.

My mother in law planted primrose seeds at this spot some years ago and  I'm sure she'd be pleased to know they're still doing well.

I love autumn and winter but there are some benefits of the spring -the main one being lambs!!  You can never have too many photos of these bundles of loveliness!  The noise in this field was pretty full on with lambs calling mothers and mothers calling lambs, luckily they all seemed to be reuniting successfully.

This seemed to be the only black and white lamb in a huge field, I particularly like his/her black eyes and his/her woolly back leg warmers!

I just love this!

That's another walk over and done with, there's just a short walk down the hill and it's time for tea!

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