Thursday 3 March 2016

Studland Heath & Shell Bay

Thursday 3rd March 2016

It's been a while since we've been out walking but today we made the most of the sunny spells, had a walk and did a bit of geocaching. We parked in Studland on the road that goes to the Sandbanks ferry, for a walk across Studland Heath and on to Shell Bay.  

At Bramble Bush Bay, looking across Poole Harbour to Brownsea Island, the location of the first geocache we found.  We gave up looking for the second as there was a fisherman nearby keeping an eye on us and we felt we must have looked a bit suspicious in the bushes!

Oyster catchers mooching around the shoreline.

Tank traps at Bramble Bush Bay. There was a large military type plane around this morning, at one stage something large was parachuted down onto the beach further on round the bay, we never did find out what it was.

There were lots of deer tracks on the beach, presumable they use it as a short cut to get to the trees on the other side.  It must look quite good to see deer on a beach.
We left the beach and went across the road to the heath where things got a whole lot more muddy and wet.  Wellies were most definitely needed in some areas.

Swans overhead.

After a short distance we turned off the waterlogged path onto this path, a soft sandy and tricky to walk on type path, it gave my legs a bit of a workout that's for sure!

Looking across to Bournemouth from Studland Heath.

The headquarters of the RNLI is only just along the coast in Poole so there are often lifeboats to be seen, and we just happened to see this one passing by.

And on to.... Shell Bay, where there were a few people walking and a group of horse riders galloping along the shore line and it was..........

.... time for a coffee - very civilised!! - We made friends with a black headed gull who was quite keen on bits of biscuit funnily enough. He/she followed us along the beach after that.


The sun made an appearance.

We found this massive dead jellyfish, I made sure my foot was in the shot to give an idea of the size of it.(the jellyfish that is, not my foot!)

Old Harry Rocks in the distance.  Shortly after this we left the beach and cut back through the heath where we came upon this sign.

Bit cold for undressing I would have thought!!

A last photo of the heath, another new area explored and another nice place to return to.

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