Wednesday 10 February 2016

First Dawn Chorus of 2016

Wednesday 10th February 2016

This morning, for the first time this year, I noticed the dawn chorus in all it's glory!  Last year I recorded the first chorus on the 15th Feb, so it's almost the same date again this year.  I could definitely pick out the blackbirds, whose voice seems to dominate, and a robin on and off, but the other birds could have been anything!  

Over the last few weeks we have been getting about 14 or 15 different species of bird in the garden daily, it's really good to see them all back, as some have been absent for quite a while.  The most epic bird we have spotted a couple of times this week is the goldcrest, a rare bird in our garden that's for sure!  Another visitor that we only see for a few months in the winter (and have done for about 5 years) is a pied wagtail, who seems to have taken it upon itself to single handedly scare every other bird of the same size or smaller off, by flying feet first at them - only the robins seem to stand their ground now (they've learnt!)

 So as it's all action in the garden and the kibbled sunflower seeds ran out yesterday it was a good job the delivery man called  nice and early with the next big sack of seed so that no birds abandoned us for another garden.

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