Tuesday 15 March 2016

Little Sea at Studland

Tuesday 15th March 2016

We returned to Studland again today to have a wander around the heath and take a look at Little Sea.  Little Sea lagoon is about a mile long and covers 32 hectares.  It was finally closed to the sea in about 1880 and now contains fresh water, being stream fed.  Apparently it is home to many waterfowl, but not today - we saw a couple of mallards, a great crested grebe and a couple of egrets in the far distance and that was it!  Never mind, in the wooded areas there were lots of small birds flitting about and singing contentedly. 

Little Sea on a beautiful morning.

It was very quiet on the heath, there was hardly a soul about.

This large carved seahorse stood alongside the footpath which at the moment is no longer a path but is more of...........

............ a river!
We sat watching for a while in one of the bird hides but although it was a lovely morning there was little bird life about so we gave up and walked back to Knoll  Beach where we sat outside of the cafe drinking coffee and taking in the view.

 Not a bad view?

Coffee over, as it was such a lovely day, we drove back to Swanage for a walk along the beach and pier,

where the grass has been cut in the parks, the ice cream parlours and outdoor cafes were removing sandbags, being cleaned,  and prepared, and Swanage is looking ready for the influx of Easter visitors, so let's hope the good weather continues.

A view from Swanage Pier.

The remains of the old pier and the crane in the distance where the new lifeboat station is being built.

I made a note of the birds we saw at Studland today, not a bad list I don't think.

Long tailed tits                                                      Wren                
Blue tit                                                                    Great crested grebe
Chaffinch                                                                Great Tit
Pied Wagtail                                                          Black headed gull
Green woodpecker                                               Egrets
Lesser spotted woodpecker                                Tree creeper
Robin (loads of!)                                                     Nuthatch
Cormorant                                                               Herring gull
Dunnock                                                                  Feral pigeon

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