Saturday 2 April 2016

Priests Way and First Swallows of 2016

Saturday 2nd April 2016

This afternoon we walked along a short section of the Priest's Way from Swanage almost to Dancing Ledge and back along the cliffs, where we saw our first two returning swallows of 2016 swooping across the fields together.  I was very happy to see them, they're one of my favourite birds (but the robin takes some beating!)

I hope your head's not stuck in that!

Ewwwwww!  Meanwhile, as this lot eat.............

....someone's got to mind the babies!!

and very cute they were too.

Lesser celandine.
There were one or two bluebells out, with signs of many more to come.

The footpath took us through another field of cows and I couldn't resist this little one, however I am very wary of cows so we didn't get anywhere near them.


We were lucky enough to see three or four deer out in the middle of a field, we were some way off but they had spotted us and kept an eye on us until a dog appeared, then they were gone!

Primroses in a favourite spot.
The bluebells are nearly out and when they are it will look amazing here (will have a look next week to see how it looks).

We met a lady along the footpath who wanted to know if we'd seen any swallows and I was pleased to let her know we had, but it had taken us all afternoon to see just the two - but it was well well worth it.

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