Saturday 23 April 2016

A Circular Walk From Tyneham

Saturday 23rd April 2016 - St George's Day

Although it was sunny and bright today, there was a bit of a return to colder temperatures from a chilly wind.  We had a look round Tyneham Village on 23rd January but as we were short of time we couldn't spend long there so we returned today to see some more of the area.  

  In 1943 the villagers of Tyneham were moved out by Winston Churchill so that the area could be used in preparation for the D-Day Landings.  The villagers never returned and the area is now part of the MoD Lulworth Range  and can only be accessed at weekends and holidays.

Get straight to the point why don't you?!!!!

Cowslips and bluebells - lovely.

The view from Lawford Sheard.

The outskirts of the hill fort.

We left the village and walked up a steady climb to Lawford Sheard, and along Whiteway Hill to the ancient hill fort at Rings Hill.

The view from Flowers Barrow across Worbarrow Bay.

Looking towards Portland in the distance.

From here we had a very steep descent (pretty hairy when it's wet I would imagine as it was bad enough in the dry today) to Worbarrow Bay.

Epic little violets.

I quite like cows (not those with horns) but not when the footpath goes through a field of them.

But it's ok to blow up cows??

Beautiful Worbarrow Bay - just the spot for a bit of well earned lunch.

The next cove along was Pondfield Cove, another lovely place.

It was then back uphill to Gad Cliff, where there were even more fabulous views across to St Aldhelms Head and Kimmeridge.  The path then took us back into Tyneham Village via a field of cows - some of which were blocking the path completely and as we didn't want to get blown up or worse by straying off the path, we had to find a way through them - luckily they started to walk on and it felt like I was living the life of a cowboy rounding them up!!  The cows wandered down to join the sheep - a far less scary bunch.

We returned to the village and had a look round what remains of Tyneham Farm and the exhibitions there, then it was back to the car. 4.5 miles walked in a lovely area taking in some amazing views, you can't get much better than that.

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