Monday 25 April 2016

Alpacas, an Adder and Rabbits

Monday 25th April 2016

This afternoon we walked from Corfe Castle along a line of hills to meet up with where we walked to yesterday.  The views were just as dramatic and the weather even colder (gloves and hats were needed in the cold wind again today.)  We were lucky enough to see the steam train, heading for Swanage, passing over the bridge in Corfe, a lovely sight. 

Just before we joined the footpath we came across three alpacas in a field, very cute and very fluffy!

The footpath started out quite narrow for about half a mile or so.  I would imagine it's a bit claustrophobic in the summer with leaves on the trees and bushes closing in on what was already pretty narrow.  We saw many little birds today including notable ones like chiff chaffs, yellow hammers, thrushes, stonechats, and a wren.

The sun put in a brief appearance, just long enough for me to take a photo of Corfe Castle in the sunshine.

Poole Harbour from Rollington Hill.

Spot of the day today was this male adder all coiled up, surprisingly out in such a cold wind.  It looks like he's had a meal and is sleeping it off.  

As cute as ........ a rabbit!  There were rabbit burrows everywhere and one or two brave souls were out feeding in that cold wind.  

A nice spot for a coffee - the only seat we passed today and it was just as we fancied a stop - just the job. It was mostly downhill from here back into Corfe, another lovely walk completed and three geocaches successfully found.

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