Sunday 24 April 2016

A Short Walk Through Bluebell Woods

Sunday 24th April 2016

Yesterday we had a look online for bluebell woods near Swanage and came up with Brenscombe Woods near Corfe Castle, so we decided to visit it this morning.  We didn't have to drive far but in that short distance we found every cyclist in the area seemed to be out on the roads - but then I suppose that would happen on a sunny Sunday in such a nice area.  We parked the car under an oak tree and soon realised that a pair of blue tits were nest building in it in a little hole. 

Oak tree + hole.

Oak tree + hole + blue tit disappearing into it with what looked like horse hair in it's beak - I tried to take a photo as it came back out but it was too fast and by the time the camera clicked it had well and truly gone.

A carpet of bluebells.


The views from Brenscombe Hill were amazing, looking across Poole Harbour in one direction and Swanage and Corfe Castle in the other.

A steam train en route to Swanage from Corfe Castle.

A few nosey locals - I was the other side of the fence, not in with them like yesterday!

A solitary orchid, which I think is the early purple orchid.

To the left of this photo the slope was a mass of yellow, hundreds of celandine flowers,

and this bank was a mass of primroses.

I'm glad we chose this spot today, it was definitely a cheery place full of colour and flowers.  We also saw plenty of the usual little birds but a couple of highlights were a chiff chaff close up and a pippit of some sort but I have no idea which one they all look very similar in the bird book! We also saw this rabbit having a wash and brush up - a long way off but very cute nevertheless.

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