Saturday 28 February 2015

Spring Has Sprung

Friday 27th February 2015

Well, it has for today anyway!  Here are a few pictures taken today when it was sunny and warmer but still cool in the wind.

Here we have a nice bit of showy colour from the crocuses and there were a surprising amount of daisies about too.

You could almost believe it was the summer on Swanage Beach (apart from the wind that is!)

It's obviously not summer, there isn't a soul on the beach, just how I like it.

Later in the village of Corfe Castle there were plenty of snowdrops.

Swathes of them on the banks and in pretty cottage gardens.

Wandering  around the small lanes of Corfe Castle, looking for snowdrops, we came across many lovely old cottages and quaint buildings. (the dog walking locals were very cheerful too).

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