Thursday 5 February 2015

Back at our Old Stomping Ground - Ice and Birds

Thursday 5th February 2015

We haven't had a chance to walk on Southampton Common for a while so it was nice this afternoon to have the time to go and visit it.  This last week has been pretty cold and icy and today was no exception, at one stage walking into the wind my face was so cold that I think I could have had facial surgery and not felt it my face was that cold.  

The Boating Lake sadly is still empty of water but both the Ornamental and Cemetery Lakes were bustling with activity and bird sound.  The Ornamental Lake had a large amount of ice across the middle of it but the swans knew exactly how to negotiate it with ease and the coots quite happily wandered about on it.  

Synchronised swans.

The ducks on the other side of the lake were very vocal - maybe they were complaining about the cold - I know was!

This mistle thrush was pecking around close to the footpath and we didn't notice it until it flew off. I am used to seeing song thrushes but this thrush was noticeably bigger.

Near one of the entrances on the Avenue there was a large rhododendron bush in flower, it seemed odd to see such colour in the cold.

There were robins, magpies and wood pigeons everywhere.

With a lap of the Common completed it was time to go home for a well earned cup of tea and to thaw out!

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