Tuesday 27 January 2015

Brockishill Inclosure (South of Cadnam)

Tuesday 27th January 2015

It's been a long while since we last walked in the New Forest so it was high time we got back into it.  A newish geocache has been placed between Cadnam and Lyndhurst at Fair Cross near Brockishill Inclosure so we decided to give it a go.  It was good to get back in the Forest and back to the ........


forestry operations........

and mud! (Can't say I've really missed this one though!)

It was a dull old day with a colourless sky but it was good to get out walking in the country air.  We didn't pass another soul until we were practically back at the car, even better.

One very defined small animal track, I wonder who's been tromping through here on a regular basis?

A face in an old beech tree, it looks vaguely dog like to me.

Geocache number one of 2015 in the bag (so to speak, not actually in the bag!!) We're a long way behind our usual number of finds already but never mind.

This is the top of the beech tree that looked like it had a dog face on it, not looking too healthy!

We came across a couple of huge mounds of dead bracken, I have no idea what they are for, compost maybe?

We had a very pleasant walk of 3.5 miles but didn't see a great deal of wildlife.  A buzzard took off quite close to us in amongst the trees and there were a couple of big flocks of chaffinches flitting about but that was about it.  

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