Saturday 24 January 2015

RSPB Garden Birdwatch 2015

Saturday 24th January 2015

I carried out the birdwatch for the RSPB this morning between 8.30 and 9.30am,  It was a sunny morning, warmer than the last few mornings which have been very cold and frosty so we had quite a good result.

Goldfinch x 7
Greenfinch x 2
Robin x 2
Blackbird x 2
Wood pigeon  x 4
Jackdaw x 9
Starling x 5
Pied Wagtail x 1
Dunnock x 1
Chiffchaff x 1
Blue tit x 1
Pheasant x 1
Wren x 1

Pheasant!!!!!!!!!!!   What a day for him to choose to stroll on by, we've seen one  before in the garden but this one hung around for 45 minutes or so.  I think he was planning his next move and trying to decide how to get back to the fields (which in a straight line are probably quarter or a mile or so away).

Mr Pheasant.


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