Thursday 8 January 2015

Poole Quay

Thursday 8th January 2015

We parked at Poole Quay this morning after a very wet and dreary drive from home.  As the rain had stopped  we decided to walked along the Quay and into Poole for a spot of retail therapy - I'm not sure if it was therapy, I soon got fed up with the people so we had lunch and headed back along the Quay where the sun had come out and things looked a whole lot brighter than they did earlier in the day.  

A black headed gull, not sleeping overnight or cooking, just watching (and waiting for food no doubt!)

In the park next to the car park, wildfowl were making the most of the waterlogged grass, it was mainly Canada Geese,  

with a few Oyster Catchers thrown in at the back.

Then the sun came out and looking at these photos it could have been the summer, well, it didn't feel too much like the summer but it looked pretty good.

A large posh boat (I probably shouldn't call it a boat at all but some sort of cruiser?)


Brownsea Island in the background on the far right and Sandbanks in the middle.

Looking towards Poole.

The geese are still here.......

well they were until some less than clever people let their dogs run at them in the park.
The geese took off and landed on the sea but soon gradually came back to the park where there must be something very appealing for geese to eat!

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