Friday 27 February 2015

Corfe Castle

Friday 27th February 2015

I haven't been to see the Castle at Corfe for many years so as it was a lovely bright afternoon we decided it was time to pay it a visit ( I don't know why we haven't, we're National Trust members so entrance is free!)  For me it was especially good because there were very few visitors around but  I would imagine in the summer it must be teeming with people.

Corfe Castle is an iconic ruined medieval castle, for information on the castle, go to the National Trust information  here

I was surprised by how big the castle is, it must have been pretty impressive in it's heyday.

This is the gateway, it has split in the middle and the left section has dropped considerably lower than the right, you'd have trouble fitting a door in that nowadays!

I took this to try and show the amazing thickness of the walls.

A flock of some of my favourite sheep, herdwicks, graze the steep slopes that drop away from the castle.

I did say they were steep slopes!

There are stunning views from all around the castle, this photo is looking down on the village of Corfe Castle.

The sky was an unbelievable blue, amazing. 

To finish off the afternoon. leaving the castle we couldn't resist the lure of the tearooms for a  cream tea, delicious!

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