Friday 20 February 2015

First Dawn Chorus of 2015

Friday 20th February 2015

A quick note just to say that I noticed the first dawn chorus of the year last Sunday, the 15th Feb. It started off the week quite quiet and understated but by this morning it was bold and brassy, with all and sundry joining in and really going for it.  I'm sure there is some sort of competition on for who can sing the loudest, but I'm not complaining, I love it.

One other quick note, the song thrush is back, he/she has been rooting around in the garden on and off for the last couple of weeks, that is until he/she is spied by one of our blackbirds who appear to have taken a dislike to it and see it off at great speed.  As I have mentioned before we don't see the thrush often but when we do it seems to be at exactly the same time of year for just a few weeks, odd. 

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