Wednesday 25 February 2015

Ipley Inclosure

Wednesday 25th February 2015

We parked at Longdown car park this afternoon for a pleasant three mile walk through Ipley Inclosure.  The New Forest ponies in this area are obviously quite relaxed around people, they must be well used to humans as this car park is always very busy with dog walkers.  These ponies just stood and watched.

I particularly like the little white pony balancing on the gate in the background!

It was almost tropical at 12C this afternoon, scarf and gloves no longer required, well for today anyway.

Mud, churned up by this.............

heavy machinery that had been destroying Ipley Inclosure and left this....

...... nothing, absolutely every tree gone and left in

log piles!

A sad sight, no trees.

A peaceful New Forest scene.

Near to this spot we successfully found a geocache. we haven't done much caching of late but we'll get back into it soon, we've missed the Forest.

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