Sunday 1 March 2015

Canadian War Memorial Near Bolderwood

Sunday 1st March 2015

We left our walk on Sunday until fairly late in the afternoon, hoping to avoid other walkers, as we wanted to find a newly placed geocache.  We parked at the Canadian War Memorial and walked from there.  It was dark and threatening rain as we left the car but it didn't rain properly until we were nearly back, by then we got absolutely soaking wet.

The Canadian War Memorial.

The footpath under water!

We've walked in this area many times but have never been along this path before, I'm glad we did though because we found this lovely pond amongst the trees.

Close to the cache it started to spit with rain.

Time for another quick photo though, another pond that we haven't come across before.

There always seems to be some plant or other invading.

One geocache successfully found.

View from the cache, dark and threatening, then the rain came, so we....

took shelter under a large yew tree for a short while before deciding the rain had set in, time to just go for it!

Looking in the other direction I spotted this tree, we don't need to think too hard about which way the wind blows normally!

A brief stop on the way back.

Maybe we should have gone out earlier in the afternoon after all!

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