Monday 30 March 2015

Chapman's Pool & St Aldhelm's Chapel - Near Worth Matravers

Monday 30th March 2015

This afternoon it was forecast to be wet but we went ahead anyway with our plan for a walk along the coastal footpath overlooking Chapman's Pool.  Itwas just as well we did because it didn't rain anyway.  The views along the coast were quite stunning and would have been even more so if there had been a bit of blue sky, but you can't have it all, at least there was no rain!

Overlooking Chapman's Pool.

We were planning to walk down onto the beach but the tide was on the way in and it was quite high so there wouldn't have been much beach left to walk on so  we'll save that for another day.  We walked instead along the cliff path and came across these stones set into the dry stone walls, there was no information about them anywhere so I have no idea what they are all about but I liked the inscriptions and the funky font.

Between turf and sky.

Exposed to weather.

Dark brought to light.

We then came across a war memorial and garden dedicated to Royal Marines that were killed between 1945 - 1990 and a second commemoration stone for those killed since 1990.

A very peaceful and unexpected place.

Luckily the stands holding up the wreaths were very well anchored, as it was blowing an absolute gale this afternoon.

This photo does this section of the walk no justice at all, it has flattened out what was a steep walk down quite a few steps followed by a steep walk back up 218 steps on the other side.  At the top of the climb up to St Aldhelm's Head there is a coastguard lookout, a radar memorial and an old Norman Chapel.

Radar Memorial (for details see here)

The Norman Chapel.

At this point as it was so windy and I didn't fancy walking along the coast again in the wind, we headed inland instead past a still active quarry.   Apparently much of their work is on stone brought in for cutting and dressing rather than that quarried on site.

Lastly we came across this man cutting the hedges, very neatly, considering the size of the cutting machine!
Then it was back to the car park for a coffee, having walked about a 4 mile circuit, another new area ticked off and explored.

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