Thursday 23 April 2015

The Lizard and Porthleven

Thursday 23rd April 2015

It was cloudy this morning, the first cloud I think we have seen all week, so I can't complain.  We went back to The Lizard to see if we could see the choughs that have been nesting there the last few years.  Unfortunately this year the choughs have changed their nesting site so the RSPB volunteers weren't on hand with their binoculars and advice to point them out.  We had a walk to roughly where the National Trust man was directing people but there was no sign of them, plus it was quite cold standing on the cliff watching in a very cold wind. 

The old lifeboat station.  (There is a posh new lifeboat station at Church Cove)

We may not have seen any choughs but we did see five grey seals in the bay, their little heads bobbing about quite comically in the sea.

Grey seals

Looking towards the most southerly point in England.

The Lizard lighthouse.

We had parked in a large car park, at the top of the field well away from anyone else, only to come back an hour or so later to have company, close company, how annoying!

What are people like with their herding instincts??!!

This afternoon we went to Porthleven, not somewhere we have been before but we would definitely return, it was lovely.

The beach at Porthleven.

Looking back at the harbour.

There was lots of activity going on in Porthleven today in preparation for their Music and Food Festival this weekend.  It certainly looks like it's going to be a big old 'do' and looks very well organised, it's a shame we'll be going home Saturday.

Finally we walked around the other side of the harbour and sat in the sunshine for a while watching the seagulls, a very pleasant place full of activity with plenty to look at.

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