Monday 20 April 2015

Mullion Village via Polurrian Cove

Monday 20th April 2015

I hate to boast but it was another beautiful day here in Cornwall so we made the most of it by having two walks.  This morning we walked from our holiday cottage along the coast to Polurrian Cove - we thought it would be quiet along the footpath today with it being a Monday but this section of the path must be popular as we passed loads of people and plenty of dogs!  

Looking towards Mullion Island in the distance.

An example of the abundance of flowers that I mentioned in yesterday's post.

Looking back at Polurrian Cove.

Doesn't this footpath look lovely?  Well, it smelt revolting - a mixture of horse poo and wild garlic!  A workman had been out strimming the edges of the path and had chopped up masses of wild garlic, resulting in the terrible smell.

Only in Cornwall!!!!

Mullion Church - St Mellanus.

We had a look round this lovely old church but on the way in we saw a couple of bird nests in the porch, one with a blackbird in residence.

There had been great efforts to stop the birds nesting in the porch, with lots of chicken wire trying to stop them. this had definitely failed!

Mullion Church is beautiful and the pews amazed me, they were from the 13th century, absolutely amazing!

On the way out of the church this little bundle of loveliness had left one of the nests in the porch.

We then wandered on back for lunch before going out again for walk number two...........

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