Sunday 19 April 2015

A Six Mile Circular Walk from Mullion

Sunday 18th April 2015

This afternoon we went for a walk along the Cornish coast that we did in two parts last year.  We walked from our holiday cottage the short distance to the coast and on to Poldhu Cove.

Our home for this week.

Overlooking Poldhu Cove.  Today there was still an easterly wind but the waves were quite large and impressive, quite a contrast to last evening.

Sand martins at Church Cove. (Last year they were at Poldhu but they seem to have moved on to the next cove round this year)

Sand martins lined up at the entrances to their holes, they were all taking off together then landing at the same time - odd.

Church Cove.  We saw a small lizard as we walked out of this cove, presumably enjoying the sun too!

At Halzephron Cove we saw this sparrowhawk fly out from the cliff below and land in a tree, where it saw us, watched for a while then flew back to the cliff.  On our way back we saw birds that we have seen before in this area, stonechats, perched high on bushes singing.

Lovely old stones along the footpath, with Porthleven in the distance.

In Cornwall there are many wind turbines, these we can just about see from our holiday cottage, but this was taken on the coast path.

A field full of lovely ladies, well lovely as long as I'm not in the field with them!

We then walked on back passing golfers still out playing on Mullion Golf Course and back passed the impressive former hotel on the cliffs that is now a rather posh looking care home and back to Mullion.  A lovely six mile walk in fantastic sunshine, a brilliant start to the week.

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