Thursday 9 April 2015

Dancing Ledge in the Mist

Thursday 9th April 2015

What difference a day makes!  It was still warm today but misty right on the coast.  My mother in law's house is about a mile from the beach at Swanage and was in bright sunshine but right on the coast it was a case of we could be anywhere here, can't see a blooming thing!  We drove the short distance to Langton Matravers, parked near Spyway Barn and walked down to Dancing Ledge and into the mist.

At Dancing Ledge there were a few climbers out, rather them than me! 

The photos don't do the mist any justice, but just off of the coast here at Dancing Ledge a fishing boat passed close by, we heard it but didn't see it first nor last.

We went down to a small disused quarry to find a geocache that hasn't been found for a while and luckily found it straight away (as the clue to find it wasn't a whole lot of good - 'under a rock' - we were in a quarry just imagine the number of rocks there!

rocks everywhere!

We walked as far as Seacombe then headed inland where the mist lifted and it was blue sky and sunshine once more, although

looking back the mist is rolling in and following us!

Climbing up and looking across, it is just possible to make out the strip lynchets on the far hill top.  During the Middle Ages, farming was one of the most important livelihoods in Dorset,  and traces of Medieval farming practices still exist today in the form of strip lynchets.  These were artificial terraces created so the steep-sided slopes could be ploughed.

We had to walk through a field of cows, not something I am overly comfortable with, especially as this lady was on the move, but only to the water trough.  Safely behind a wall I took this, then she......

......had a good old scratch!

We joined the Priest's Way again and wandered back to the car, spotting this weather vane on the way and

a jackdaw with albino tendencies?

Another very nice walk made up of two halves, misty and sunny!

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