Tuesday 21 April 2015

Poldhu Cove and Mullion Cove

Tuesday 21st April 2015

Today dawned bright and sunny yet again - too good to be true I can't help feeling!  We had a lazy walk round to Poldhu Cove again and sat at the beach cafe overlooking the beach drinking hot chocolate and eating cake, (a rocky road no less) perfect! The only down side was the raging gale that was blowing, still it was worth it for the view.


These last two photos were taken by my husband, I wish I had taken them but my camera zoom isn't as good as his so he gets good results, I would have had dots on the horizon!

We stood watching a herring gull fishing in the rock pools  - they are really clever, he was looking for stranded fish that were left in rock pools as the tide went out.  Then the lure of the sea got too strong and I had to have a little paddle, well ......

.....I have to say it was absolutely freezing, agony on the feet, but you have to do these things and I gave it a go!

The view climbing out of Poldhu Cove, overlooking the beach.  With the tide a long way out the beach looks massive. 

The locals didn't seem bothered by us walking on the footpath across their field, whereas on Saturday evening I think the wind must have got to them as they were very lively and less than predictable! (still no problem though)

The bluebells seem to have really started to come out over the last day or so.

After lunch we walked along the coastal path in the opposite direction to this morning and went to Mullion Cove via Polurrian Cove.  The wind seemed a bit warmer this afternoon and it was very pleasant out in the sunshine.

Mullion Cove from the harbour wall, look how clean and clear the sea is.

I love this photo looking towards Mullion Island, the sea was really sparkly and glittery this afternoon. Magic. 

One last photo of Mullion Cove, having climbed up high once more!

We had a short walk this morning,a longer one this afternoon, and walked just over 6 miles in total.

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