Tuesday 15 April 2014

Test Way - Romsey

Tuesday 15th April 2014

We had just over a three mile walk this morning along a small section of the Test Way.  We parked (eventually) in Romsey, I have no idea what was going on there this morning but it seemed everyone and their dog had turned out!  We had to walk along the main road to get to the Test Way, then we looked for and found a geocache at the start of the footpath.  This section of the Test Way crosses the Broadlands Estate and after a short distance of footpath you get a great view of Broadlands House, which looked good against the blue sky, it's just a shame the sky looks washed out in the photo.

Broadlands House.

Up in the tree line you can see a haze of bluebells.. 

Along the footpath we saw a few buzzards soaring up high, above 

these cattle, who were all quite inquisitive.

Some young calves.

More blossom.

Then back along the footpath to Romsey and home for lunch, I was starving!

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