Tuesday 29 April 2014

Circular walk from Mullion Cove to Predannack Wollas, Cornwall

Tuesday 29th April 2014

We luckily didn't take any notice of the somewhat dodgy weather forecast and had a lovely circular four and a half mile walk from Mullion Cove across farmland  to Predannack Wollas and back along the coastal footpath.  The morning was cloudy but dry and this afternoon turned out to be sunny warm and very pleasant.

The steps to the right of the picture are actually a cattle stile, there were quite a few of these today across the fields and they made crossing field boundaries very simple, I like these a lot!

This looks flat but it's stepped.

Fern fronds unfurling.

Predannack Cross - a medieval wayside cross - in the corner of a field in the middle of nowhere - I'm not sure if this is the sort of behaviour you would expect at such an old religious cross but I was trying to give an idea of the size it.

Now then, I have never heard of this flower until today - spring squill - according to an information board along our route it is common in this part of the country and it wasn't wrong, there were squill flowers everywhere and the cliffs in places had a blue haze about them there were so many.

This was taken at the site of one of the nine geocaches we found on this circuit today, it was a fantastic spot, overlooking Mullion Island which had masses of sea birds on it, many of them cormorants.  We were told by the owner of our holiday cottage that in the winter storms earlier in the year, waves were going straight over the top of the island, hard to imagine on a calm sunny day like today, especially as the island stands so high.

We walked back down the steep hill in to Mullion Cove - saved from sliding down on my backside only by my epic walking boots.  The damage to the harbour walls from the winter storms is very visible in this photo.

Mullion Cove

Fisherman at work in Mullion Cove (taken in stealth conditions!)

To finish this walk I had an Eton Mess ice cream and it was absolutely delicious! 

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