Friday 11 April 2014

Near Lyndhurst and Return of the Swallows

Friday 11th April 2014

It was obviously the school Easter Holidays, as we queued into Lyndhurst for quite a distance on the main road from Ashurst this afternoon  We turned left by Boltons Bench and parked up along the road to Beaulieu for a walk across the heath to look for a geocache.  The first point of interest was this sign,

We did as advised and kept off of the danger zone, the same can't be said for the ponies and cattle, but then we didn't see any get blown up so they must have been ok!!!

The no go area is marked off with posts like this, anything to the right of them is in the danger zone.

Here we go again!  

At least the mud is getting a bit more solid now that it hasn't rained for a while, but it was tricky choosing the best route and we probably walked twice as far zig zagging along the track.

A bridge over the Beaulieu River - we had to answer a few questions here to give us the final co-ordinates for the geocache, which it turned out was not much further on.

The Beaulieu River, very brown and peaty.

We easily found the cache then negotiated the mud back to the car.  

This traffic light is at the top of a slip road off of the M27 at a very busy roundabout.  Last year, despite it's busy noisy location,  blue tits nested in it and this year they are back!  Last week I noticed one of the birds coming out of the little hole and one came out today shortly after I took these photos - shame I didn't get an action shot!

The birds are nesting in the little hole in the pole next to the red light - very cosy but obviously ideal as they are back for a second year.

Today's other big news was that I saw a swallow in the forest. This was the first swallow I have seen this year and there was just the one, but it was good to see it - summer's coming!  (Last year we saw the first swallow in Padstow on April 13th). 

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