Wednesday 2 April 2014

Swanage & Part of Priest's Way

Wednesday 2nd April 2014

We visited my mother in law today in Swanage.  We always like to get out for a bit of a walk and we decided today to walk a little section of the Priest's Way, a footpath that passes close to my mother in law's house.  This footpath gives excellent views of Swanage and across to Ballard Down, although today it was quite hazy - I wonder if it's the air pollution that's in the news at the moment, covering most of the country?

In this little patch on the right there were lots of primroses, a few grape hyacinths and there was a large swathe of bluebells (not yet in flower).

You see some strange sights in the country, and I have no idea what this huge rope is used for!

I thought for one minute that this gorgeous woolly number was coming over to see us, but no, it wanted a drink, I should have known!  I love sheep.

We saw a few of these beetles (possibly a mint leaf beetle but I'm not big on beetles)  in amongst the undergrowth.

The hedgerows now have a hint of fresh green about them and the hawthorn is in full blossom, at this spot there is a bit of bird watching going on!

We left Swanage just as it was beginning to get dark and as usual we had a quick stop off at the beach, I only wish it stayed like this all year, quiet, with very few people about.

By the time we got to the village of Corfe Castle, it was really quite dark, although it doesn't look like it in this photo - an owl was hooting as we took these photos, very atmospheric.

I took this photo on the way back to the car, again, this was a dark sky even though it doesn't look it, the moon is a waxing crescent apparently.  Then we headed on home.

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