Monday 14 April 2014

Michelmersh Near Romsey

Monday 14th April 2014

We decided to make the most of the sunny dry weather and get out for a bit of geocaching, well that was the plan anyway, it turned out to be more like a failing to find geocaches sort of morning!  We had to look for a few clues in Michelmersh church yard, these we easily found but the co-ordinates took us elsewhere and despite much searching and head scratching we had to put this down as a 'did not find' - not something we like doing!  

The blossom was keeping the bees busy, we stood under one tree and the sound of bees buzzing was unbelievable.

St Mary's Church, Michelmersh. with it's wooden tower.

From the church we walked through Agincourt Field, and I found the following info on it;

To the south east of the church can be found Agincourt Field where in 1415 600 knights and Archers assembled prior to leaving for the battle of Agincourt. They stayed here for two nights before marching to join ships in Southampton, that would take them to join Henry V's army in France, they were reviewed by the Duke of Gloucester.  Five hundred and twenty nine years later troops once more camped in this same field, ready for the D-Day invasion of Normandy in 1944. 

We then tried to find the second geocache of the day, only to be stumped by that one too, but on the plus side the location of the cache was in an old bluebell wood, and it did look magnificent in the sunshine.

The bluebell wood with an animal track passing through.

Yellow fields of rape stand out in the far distance.

Just before this point we found a geocache hanging in a tree, success at last, although stealth was required  because ........

........the footpath took us through the middle of a very large field where a tractor was spraying crops at speed.

A pleasant spot. and the end of another nice wander.

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