Tuesday 22 April 2014

Linford Near Ringwood

Tuesday 22nd April 2014

We had a successful morning geocaching today, easily finding five caches on a three mile walk along the Linford Brook.  On previous walks to this spot we have seen pigs, cattle and ponies, but not today, we saw just two ponies and that was it!  However there were masses of small birds flitting around and singing loudly, we thought we might hear a cuckoo today but no, we are still waiting to hear the first one of the year.  There has been a fair bit of rain over the last few days so the ground that was beginning to dry out is once again wet and very muddy!

Linford Brook

Lots of lovely blossom about today

and plenty of (brown) water in the river!



Here we go again more water and mud!

This water was running down the footpath and under the gate - nice.

Bursting buds.

It was back in wellies again for this walk and a very good job - as well as mud and puddles we had to get across this river, the Linford Brook at this point, achievable in the shallower water.

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