Friday 18 October 2013

Southampton Sports Centre + Warrior

Friday 18th October 2013

Having only a short space of time for today's walk we decided to stay local and went to Southampton Sports Centre. In the evenings and at weekends this is a very lively place with lots of sporty things going on, however on a Friday mid-morning all was quiet.  The trees are definitely beginning to change colour at last and there are still plenty of conkers around to collect and place strategically at home to keep the spiders away (so I have heard and anything's worth a go!!).

At this point there were plenty of fallen conkers.

We walked on across the Sports Centre where there was a lady limbering up on the running track and someone was skiing down the dry ski slope.  There were a few dogs about this morning and we got chatting to a lady walking a puppy, a Hungarian Vizsla (never heard of this breed before), she was a lovely little thing - all legs - the puppy that is not the owner! The owner had just had a bit of  trouble with another big dog worrying her puppy (so that she had to scoop the puppy up quickly into her arms).  Why is it that some dog walkers take their dogs out to a public place and then just let them run off without paying any attention as to where or what they are up to?

We walked on towards Southampton Golf Course, where we passed a memorial to Warrior a war horse that was given a civic burial in 1935 and laid to rest on the edge of the golf course at Southampton Sports Centre in 1935. 

A memorial to Warrior, a war horse.

We skirted round the edge of the golf course where there were plenty of golfers out and about.

The golf course, still wet with dew.

We then retraced our walk back through the sports centre where we saw a charm of goldfinches, there must have been thirty plus of them flitting about.  Back near the car park it was good to see that the Sporting View pub is being done up after being closed for a while, as it's in a great position overlooking the sports centre.

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