Sunday 13 October 2013

Fungi - Part One

Sunday 13th October 2013

It was forecast to be a very wet day today with this afternoon having the heaviest rain so we decided to get out in the New Forest early before it got too wet.  Luckily we didn't get wet although there was a hint of rain in the air as we got back to the car.  It has only been a couple of weeks since we were last in the Forest, but this week the amount of fungi around is now amazing - it must be a good year for it.  Here is a sample of some of the best.

This is one fungus I do know the name of, it is Fly Agaric and it is poisonous.  When I was a child I would draw this toadstool with a mouse sitting underneath it - there were no mice around or under them today!

Apparently Fly Agaric is associated with beech woodland and this group was in a beech wood.

A mass of fungi on a fallen tree.

We also saw about six fallow deer in the woodland, they were very nervous and ran away at speed giving us no chance for a photo!  I am writing this post in the mid-afternoon and  it is now raining heavily, the forecast was right and we did the right thing getting out early. 

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