Friday 25 October 2013


Friday 25th October 2013

Today's walk was mainly about trying out our new walking boots.  We were a bit concerned about the new ones as our old ones are like wearing slippers but as we had had such an excellent fitting service from the staff at Cotswold Outdoors we were fairly confident they would be fine.  We walked just over three miles and they were brilliant no problems at all - good news all round!  We successfully found the only geocache in this area, hidden in quite an inventive container.  

The main thing we noticed today was the abundance of chestnuts and acorns, masses and masses.   I believe it's called a mast year when there is an enormous number of seeds like this.  

After a lot of rain last night the river Ober Water was full and overflowing.

Maybe not!!!

At this bridge the rivers Ober Water and Highland Water meet and become the Lymington River, the water in one river was darker than in the cloudier other and it made quite a strange effect as they joined.

Plenty of chestnuts about.

Lots of newly planted trees standing out in their white protective coverings.

A newly extended or built pen used when rounding up forest ponies.

A sad looking large area of dead trees - I have no idea what has been going on here - it looked like something out of Michael Jackson's Earth Song video.

Michael Jackson - Earth Song - YouTube

Juicy holly berries - which reminds me it's only 59 days until Christmas but let's not go there just yet!!!!!!!

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