Monday 14 October 2013

Hatchet Pond

Monday 14th October 2013

This afternoon we went geocaching at Hatchet Pond near Beaulieu in the New Forest.  I think it must have been 'let's walk up the middle of the road day' at least it appeared to be for some ponies and donkeys - love 'em!!!  We started the walk in light drizzle this progressed to more full on rain with the sun coming through and producing a rainbow (all in the first twenty minutes).

Hatchet Pond is a very busy tourist spot at the weekends and during the summer, but today there were only a few cars in the car park, much better.  

Dull with drizzle.

The rainbow is only just visible in this photo just above the trees in the centre of the photo - honestly it really is there!

At this point we hunted amongst the bushes (it looks like heath in this photo but there were bushes in the opposite direction) for the geocache that we had come to find and find it we did.

Out came the sunshine.

A peaceful scene.  This pony's mane looked like it had been styled into a mohawk - very stylish!

What else did we see?  Many black headed gulls (now in their winter plumage with white heads) moorhens, herring gulls, swans, mallards, pheasants, (doing a sprint along the footpath ahead of us) and pied wagtails. 

There was plenty of soft boggy muddy ground between the cache and the car and our daughter found the squishiest mud and certainly christened her posh new wellies with some pale green smelly mud and then nearly lost one in a second incident - honestly you would think she knew better at nineteen! Still, it gave us a laugh.

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