Thursday 3 October 2013

An Observation

Friday 4th October 2013

This has nothing to do with nature but it is an observation!  This evening just as it was getting dusky we had a swift two mile walk around Southampton Common and I hope I don't sound a bit obsessive but we saw 59 joggers  ( I don't think there were any duplicates in that number!) Last week it was all dogs, whereas today we only saw one along the path.  What was going on?We saw 12 people jogging in the first 3 minutes!!!   I suspect they were all trying to get their exercise in before it got dark.  We didn't manage our walk before it got dark but it didn't matter.

On a nature note, we did hear an owl doing it's thing and the swans were all present and correct on the boating lake.  It was a very muggy evening and strangely warm so we walked without coats and jumpers - nice.

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