Monday 7 October 2013

Between Warsash and Stubbington + Pumpkins

Monday 7th October 2013

Today we walked in an unfamiliar area and it made a pleasant change.  We walked a circuit of about four and a half miles and found eighteen geocaches (couldn't find two).  Many of these involved being stealthy and scrabbling about in amongst various thorny bushes, not me of course, I did the lookout job. 

I was really pleased to see these gorgeous pumpkins, all cut and waiting for the halloween rush.

A very colourful field of pumpkins on a bit of a dull day.

A view across the Solent to the Isle of Wight.

Oak apples.

Another view across the Solent (a nice spot for lunch).

A moody afternoon, warm but moody.

This cormorant found a perch with a pretty decent view.

My last note from today is to do with starlings.  We passed close to an enormous electricity pylon and before reaching it we could hear the chatter of many starlings who were perched all over it, nicely spaced out too. I would have taken a photo but they would have been a long way away and looked like little dots - best to imagine the scene I think!

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