Monday 4 March 2013

Squirrel Visitor

Monday 4th March 2013

Now then, we have had another infrequent visitor to the garden early this morning.  A grey squirrel popped in for a snack on the sunflower seed feeder.  I don't think he/she found it too easy to reach as he/she had to stretch the length of it's body to get to the food, so it soon gave up, had a quick mooch round the garden - which believe me doesn't take long as it's a very small garden - and disappeared over the back fence into our neighbours garden. 

We probably see a squirrel in the garden once a year if that, so it was good to see it. 

Incidentally, the thrush visitor that I blogged about not so long ago is still dropping in every now and then, despite the blackbird's continued efforts to see it off.  It has even been brave enough to join the morning scrum for the bird food that we put out on the patio daily. Today it had quite a long drink from the bird bath that I had just removed the ice from.  There has been plenty of bird activitity this morning as it has been a lovely sunny morning with clear blue skies - nice!

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